Do I need a living will?

Each individual has to decide whether a living will is right for them or not.

    1. In Texas, a Directive to Physicians and Family or Surrogates (also known as a living will) allows you to state that you do not want artificial measures taken that will serve only to prolong your life if you become unconscious and you have a terminal or an irreversible condition (such as coma).
    2. If you do sign a Directive, it allows you to express your wishes now about what you would want to happen once there is no reasonable possibility of your recovery to a meaningful life. It also takes the burden off of your loved ones who may otherwise have to make this decision without any guidance from you.
    3. If you do not sign a Directive, but you have appointed an agent for medical decisions under the Medical Power of Attorney discussed below, your agent may have the power to make the decision whether or not you should be given artificial life support.
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